August the 15th 2009, you were born into this world at 1000hrs to the world
Two months later on...
October 24th 2009, we drove all the way to Johor to get you from your breeders...
Come this November 15th 2009 you will be 3months old...
You are one bundle of joy with a full charge level of energy that will never stop...
You smell like shit some times and that's because you sit on your own shit but we still love you...
You made me broke but you give me love which at time's i cant handle myself..but its cool
You like to dig up my garden and i do hope you stop soon as i love my garden...
You always seem to be happy even though your face looks like you wanna rip me apart...
You cant never stop doing that ngam ngam thingy with your jaw and best part your still running on your milk teeth
Tinkerbell i love you loads....
ps:internet connection sucks big time hence cant upload a picture of her...
Saturday before the storm
11 years ago