Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Today February 24th 2010 & 10 days ago February 14th 2010
Well I took Ms Penguin out for a simple dinner with naan,cheese and garlic....and a movie after that...well how weird could it get....cause the movie we watched was Valentine....It was an sweet & sour movie of love & sadness well just goes to show that its really hard to find true love in this cold world of hate & lies...yeah there was a happy ending to it...but the journey there was painful...
i actually have a lot to write here but this very moment things don't seem to be coming out very well...But then in life if you don't try you will never know...if you fall down you get up and walk again....which makes you stronger......
anyways happy belated valentines day now....my fellow maggot readers...
Saturday, February 20, 2010
If I were a florist this i what i would do to that special someone in my life in the future
Make everyday a holiday
Carry on and on and on about you and the things you do
The things you do
And I'll also say it in Spanish just for the knack of it
gustaría que te compre flores todos los días
Hacer todos los días de vacaciones
Llevar a cabo y de hablar sobre ti y las cosas que haces
Las cosas que hacer
*to the future with love*
Friday, February 19, 2010
Just look into your heart
Emotion - Feeling
Simple words of action that could make you the happiest person in the whole wide world or the most horrible person to walk this planet earth.
About Me...
I have beautiful and amazing family and friends.
I don't believe that you have to be a mean, jaded, vain, bitch to get recognition. I’m over all the fakeness, vanity, and pretentiousness that people floss all around in this world and around.
Let’s face it. Being a superficial bitch is not cute or fun. Be a good human, be happy, have good friends, and enjoy life... it's over in a blink of an eye.
I believe that people come in all shapes and sizes, nationalities, backgrounds, and orientations, and that everyone is beautiful. I’m over all the advertisements, media, and marketing, that tell’s us how to look, what to wear, and what is attractive.
Music is a big part of my life.
Free your mind from the machine people.
Have the courage to break the mold.
I’m in love with art.
I like looking at old buildings and how houses are made with cement and wood.
I like plants that have a certain ambiance which get's me all soft inside.
I’m a rare breed, of pure Portuguese.
I’m working my shit out or trying to at least.
I’m currently living one of the most fucked up beautiful life’s ever experienced by one before. I’m sure of it.
I have a fond appreciation for twisted or abnormally beautiful things.
I always root for the underdog and I love runts the most.
I collect tacky toys and weird ass artworks.
It really annoys me to eat with plastic wear.
I really am a big dork and could not give a shit less what people think.
I enjoy the most trashy things one can enjoy as well as the most luxurious things in life all at the same time.
I don't believe the "government" has our best interest in mind when it comes to social reform, health care, and the food they feed us. Even with all the tax reduction which just makes their pockets fat and ours thinner. What about helping us when all you do is help yourself. How about if we change shoes for a day???
Running out of staples really annoys me.
I wish I was a shape shifter and a gender delusionist.
I can make a mean batch of kick ass beef, salmon, egg and lamb sandwich.
Most people who know me think I’m nuts, I think I’m one of the most sane people I know though.
I drink A LOT of tea.
I make the funniest faces in the shower when the water hits my face.
I’m a really happy person that follows my heart and am indefinitely chasing all my dreams and making them realities. I’m doing it... now it's your turn.
Sometimes when everything is too much for me I’ll head to the shower and lay there with my head under the water pretending like I’m a sea creature from some other planet. water is very important to me, if you don't like taking showers and baths or bodies of water then we can't be friends as you will most often find me in one. without it I lose my essence.
I think I’m obsessed with prawns and sweet ice tea.
I'm the one who will pee on you in the shower and not say anything until you notice me smiling, and then we can have a pee contest.
I have a hairy chest which I shave.
I have a hairy legs and a kind of hairy tummy which is not shaved
It makes me smile when I see two old ladies pass each other on the street going the opposite direction at the same time.
I believe in past lives and feel that I’ve lived many before I have taken this form. maybe that’s why I’m so unusual.
My favorite thing is to go on long walks or a drive with music blaring in my headphones and get caught up in the beauty of this city, this heart, and this life.
I’m definitely learning a lot at the moment.
I made up my mind to do what I want and to look the way I want a long time ago. anyone of us can die at any giving moment and I’ll be damned if when they burn this corpse it isn't complete and a living testiment to my love, life and heart. My skin will be removed and framed, each piece meaning something different, a map of my life, and giving to a different loved one as a dedication of my life with them. if i live to be really old? It’s not like I’ll be 80 and cruising the old folk’s home. i hope to have so much in my life it won't matter what i look like. And lets face it. old saggin wrinkly skin isn't sexy either, so what if has tattoo's on it? My fuckin walker is going to have neon tennis balls on the bottom, be covered in diamonds, with hot pink streamers, a bumping sound system, and offset wheels.
Friday, February 12, 2010
So wrong,it's so right
And just mouth off about the world...
And how we know it's going straight to hell..
Pass me another bottle, honey...
The whiskey is so sweet......
But if it keeps you around, then I'm down..
Meet me out somewhere..........
I'll take you out.......
Though I'm hardly worth your time.....
In the cold, you look so fierce......
But I'm warming up
Because the tension's like a fire
We'll hit downtown in a matter of minutes
And like a bad movie, I'll drop a line
Fall in the grave I've been digging myself
But there's room for two..........
Six feet under the stars
I'm gonna roll the dice....
Before you sober up and get gone...
I'm always in over my head....
I'm guilty, but I'm safe for one more day.
Overdressed and underage..
Do you really need see an ID?
This is embarrassing as hell.......
But I can cover for it so well....
When we're six feet under the stars...
Thursday, February 11, 2010
A day after the world premiere of thinkerbell
Got home yesterday and opened the gate phooosh comes thinkerbell running towards me.I had a quick peek into the house and shite she jumped out of the cage messed the whole house up and not to mention time bombs of shits everywhere with her whirlpool of pee here and there also...Ohh which i totally forgot to mention...the metal guys who were suppose to do the brackets for the cooking hood were also there with me...So i got pissed cursed here and there, the guys did their work while i did my clean up rounds of her mess...End of the day by evening, the brackets could not be fixed due to weight load and it needs more strength. Loft 57 cleaned up again by me...was so super tired that i had a cold shower and just crashed out until 9pm...or so..
Moral of the story: i should not praise her that much cause when i get home always a big mess awaits me...
Real Hardcore Poser...
well this fuckhole will try to learn what kinda music you roll with then eventually start dressing up like you in the shortest period of time...its kinda scary like having a personal stalker watching ur every move...also to add that when in the club or when we hit the clubs fucking copy all my moves like (not in dancing but the way i roll around with the people) I even have fucking proof on pictures..
if you listen to the pop shit that's being played on the wanked off pussy radio then do it...don't try to dabble in metal or try to look punk rock when your fucking cd case in ur car is full of wannabe hip hop,feng tau shit jeng canto pop and the pussy-fied radio.
I would understand that somebody is going to say that this fucker is growing up and finding its style, but i'll disagree and say what the fuck over night changed???
even fucking Paris Hilton would agree on me....
You by far are the ugliest fugliest fat fuck i've ever seen....i've seen way cooler fat dudes and they are cool and full of life unlike you, you fucking poser who keeps quite then fuckin copy cat everything....get a fucking life stop fucking up things...I've been quite all these while...but no more..I'm so going to be in your face...you wait and bleed when i see you....If i can't wait anymore i'll fucking come to where you are....don't fucking play with me boy.....I don't fucking care anymore and the best part i want to see you bleed i want to hear your bones break...i want to see your face break....You want to be hard core then learn....you want to drink all so much which you do, but you fuckin knock out after that...WTF is that...you fuckin puke all around then fucking lie there like a fucking pile of hard shit that snores louder then a V12 engine...fuck even Jabba The Hut from star wars is way cooler..that is not drinking you fuckin cunt...go read & learn about drinking...that's under age drinking, like some 1st timer who never had a drink and go all pariah just by drinking...but you are a kid...oh yeah another thing, stop trying to button your shirts all the way to the top...get your own style...you never did that and do try to continue to do that cause it makes you like you don't even have a neck you fat fuck...
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Today I shall give Thinkerbell her world premiere:
It's been awhile since i have mention anything about thinkerbell....
well with all the drama going poor baby chocs was kinda stuck in between....
she is rocking well...i still do mind fuck her with ideas of PAWS & SPCA and you better be good if not your going there....but she still seems so happy even though with all of that...well she has grown up alot...getting stronger day by day...
well i did promise that i would up load a picture of her...well i know that this blog has more words rather then pictures...which is one of my vision's this year...but then too many pictures would just slow down the whole blog,that's how i feel...maybe just a pinch of picture's so that there's some visuals...
Ok back to stinkerbell @ thinkerbell...i'm going to just upload one picture only and just one....if there's too many it would be too in your face...
well i'm trying hard to teach her this one trick...Its based on the command kill fat boy kill....***evil*** Well she gotta bad to the bone,like the harlots dog but even more demon like.....After all that has been said she is one luvable brown rocking pocket of a rocket...I gotta admit that she is one handful and my days are different now...Its not as easy going as it is...plus i gotta clean the house on a daily basic...well..I hope my command works well when i need her to do it.....
Monday, February 8, 2010
Clams have feelings too
even though the clam looks super strong in its shell...deep down its a super soft being...Please remember this and understand that.....Just like the prawn in some species they have hard skins or shells but in reality underneath it all they are super soft and gentle beings with feeling just like their far far far cousin the clam...
These clams actually help the eco-system for the ocean...yeah they may look freaky but they do loads good.. Basically they are just gentle creatures...
In other words a human being can also be a clam you know...same way the clam operates same way goes for that particular human being...
So remember the next time you eat a clam or throw the clam in to that boiling steambot...think hard really hard. About the clams feelings and all....
The Brain...
The Chronicles of Digital Avenger: The birth of an avenger.
He’s age is still in the making as digital avenger can’t be too young of too old….he has to have the right age…after much thinking I’ll say he was born in the 1st month of 1984….Let’s keep the day a secret….At a very young age he was in-fused with early rock & roll and the early metal….not to mention good ol-southern rock from the doobie brothers,allman brothers & lynyrd skynyrd….to good ol early 40’s-50’s jazz movement and not to mention the folk way of John Denver & Cat Stevens and also the funk movement of the early funk right up to the funk of today…..george benson was also a role model…
He had early martial arts class but only made it to green belt II due to a big tiff between him and the master. A majority of his fighting skills were develop from street fighting and self defense through out the years….
*note to myself this is just a mind map of words too see how the origins of Digital Avenger was formed*
Ponder wonder of sperm whale with char siew smelling armpits
Well i promised that i'll blog this down....
Alright it goes something like this....****evil smile of darkness****
Well Miss Poo Poo Pants said this to me that if a guy is good on the weight meaning healthy not super thin and has meat means the other half has been taking care well of that person whereas
if he is thin like shaggy from scooby doo or just super thin means that the other half has not been taking care well....so me in my mind i had this vision and i gotta give it a hsout out here since i kept it to myself in silence last nite....without any further delay, here it goes........
"no wonder fat fuck gets fatter and fatter by the moment...one hell of a fat fuck ain't he.....fucking fat fuck of a fuck it is"......."fat fuck never seems to stop growing....."
yeah there you go off my chest.....if i could draw it out it will be even more funnier....but then again words are all i have to offer at the moment...
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Quotes from yesterday,last week & the week before
its all in mixed order and which ever comes in my mind first, i'll be typing it out....
Keith Hay: I'm a changed man & i'm not a bad temper person anymore....(confessions on facebook shout out) so it seems...we shall wait
Vishal:If you want to bang her,bang her not bang her car...(said while i was driving and got a bit close to the front car. The way he said it was real bitchy)
Vishal:You can have ten minutes if you want also just give her the damn lighter ( said when julia asked me for a lighter and i was playing a game and he got angry, pmsing singh)
Chef Darren teoh:I'm smiling yes i'am but from the inside...(when i asked him why is he face so like that :(
Julia Ung :die mother fucker die mother fucker die mother fucker die mother fucker (on her angry yet getting her spirits high for cooking)
Ian Dias:Help me,help you ( my quote for my hmmm hmm)
Vishal:Anything smaller then 17inch i call them roller skates (a real bitch in heat he is)
Julia Ung: Smells like (rubs her finger on my nose) then says flaming lambo.......!!!!
keith Hay:work hard to have a better living style (on face book again,not sure if he's high or a real changed man...lets follow his work of art...
Julia Ung:................................................................................................................................................... (just silence when i ask her a question which she cant or wont asnwer)
Vishal: bang bang skid skid bang ma nigga (if i'm not mistaken)
Keith hay:time is de best medicine (this one was super awesome of him,i reckon he is in love...)
Keith Hay:out of difficulties makes miracle,everything got its own solution,think positively to face every problem in our life. there are perfect in our life...cheers ( he comes up with weird stuff but so true....)
Julia Ung: want a harry houdini...(i wish i could be one or give you one)
Vishal:i'm like a babysitter in your own house cos i have to take care of you. (his face was classic, i reckon pissed at me but with love)
Ian Dias:strudels woudles foodles noodles footles poonies looseees lose.....fudles mudles poodles my loudes ( i was just mumbling as usual on my facebook)
There's many more which i cant remember at this particular moment.....due to no sleep at all since yesterday....
well have great friday....cos it's "friday I'm in love"....(may i qoute: Robert Smith-The cure)
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
My Super Hero Name...
well basically i would be fighting the new skool wave of digital music and how its evolving into...i would try to save old records shops from the every new down load a song...
these shops have so much history in them....Do you remember the joy of walking into a record shop and looking for that cd that you cant get or the dumb ass government has banned due to the lyrics or some weird ass reason and finding and listening to it to make sure its not censored and buying it....well i do... It's an awesome feeling...
I still remember saving up cash when i was in my younger teens just so i could get a new cd...and listen and learn..I'll try to bring that roots of buying a cd and getting all so happy about instead of the 3-9mins down load...Till the next adventures of the DIGITAL AVENGER......