Friday, July 17, 2009

welcome back!!!

Its been ages since i actually wrote or blogged anything..well been super busy with life work & work & work & the new house which we decided to name it LOFT57..

its looking really nice and super duper sweet,not to mention the fact that theres no furnitures or any of the basic needs but we are doing mighty fine.

I also kinda got a new hobby which is keeping koi's or japanese carp, this lil hobby has turned into a mighty crave whereby i actually joined a koi forum.

I would love to upload some neat pics of the house but i cant seem to find the pics of the house...i would or maybe do a before after pics of the house depends also...

i'm getting a bit sleepy now...will write more in the daisy days to come...

cheers now...

a note to myself..

Here's a very sweet thingy that i love to hear at this moment..

keep that in mind for future ideas & so on....