Monday, May 23, 2011

Moments back then - Wonder years

One of the greatest things, as a kid growing up, was the opportunity when I was let loose out into the neighborhood. With a BMX bike in hand, I would, for hours, roam the neighborhood streets, marketplaces and schools. And in those few hours, I was an explorer and adventure seeker by trade.
Just like Christopher Columbus in 1492, I too was looking for my own route to paradise.
During those countless neighborhood exploring excursions, there would never be a moment where I never wanted quit and go home.
There were times when I would arrive late back to the doorstep of my childhood home only to be greeted by angry parents who only wanted to ring out why I was so late.
A few butt slaps later, I would be eating my dinner but my mind would still be out roaming the streets.
Exploring the neighborhood never lost its romantic notion. Ever.

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