Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My Milkshake Brings all the gals to the yard and the boys at times...

slim fit me with a awesome entrance filled with fireworks,strippers and milkshakes from sperm whales flying in the air as the maharaja swings to the groove of groove armada...while his lil jester wanks out in the open while watching milf hunter on his new lappy top with broadband....

while all this is happening you continue to do your daily things like get up brush your teeth ,get your morning coffee,take a dump...and continue with your daily life that is so ever awesome that you have to do it everyday...3 woot's for that now....

back to the party where the sperm whales will do a back flip shooting lil notes of tunes and elephants will be breaking dance and super stylin...gay parades out shines the festival in the wee hours as closet gay people will then only parade their bodies as they continue to let the mother gay maggot fed on their gay souls....just as you know it the back ground fills up again with ol skool nigga rap by Dr Dre & NWA...typical ol skool shit...no bling bling but its all about the hood and the police...Yeah nigga, Compton and Long Beach!!!

on the side walks are the side walkers using the lil extra gentle lotion to keep them side walker skins all soft and tight like the snare of punk/ska band.....

finally pick me a pickle and fickle me wickle for me fickle minded mind.....

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