Tuesday, November 15, 2011

"The "I" in Lie"

As the title goes the "I" in lie which means loads to a particular person in many different levels of understanding. It means a great deal to lie and I don't appreciate lies one bit what more to lie over and over again like mixed dub step taped of lies.
Just had to share out that thought on my mind.

Moving to on to happier grounds I have written some stuff on her cellphone which I have yet to get some time to transfer it over to this lil blog. It was from our recent trip which was really blissful.

Things are great on my end and just to update you guys on the current play list - Daft Punk vs. Hashim - Robot Rock vs. Al Naafyish (The Soul)

Check it out it's pretty cool track. Also "Archspire" another death metal/ speed metal band that I'm so hooked on at the moment. talking about two axe man with 7 string and 8 string guitar and 6 string fret less bass player with sonic double bass drums and growls like your being tortured from your anus up your throat.

Put aside the daft punk and metal I'm so happy to be smitten all over again feel loved and beyond. The end of the tunnel was a long dark road which is full of sunshine now.

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