Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Flesh trade on a chinese table lying half naked and not able to move at all

Alright minus the fact that I love and like them chinese girls especially the chee cheong fun one's...and being able to adapt to a chinese massage would be a great advantage in the mating scene....

anyways back to the flesh trade, on tuesday night Mdm Lady "the cook" Dragon was in pain due to not enough of rest,bad sleeping habits,over exhausted body, old injuries and many more to add on to the list. Which resulted for a quick visit to the old chinese massage parlour. (bear in mind it was not a quickie and it was long and on)

So after work we agreed to meet up there in order for a massage.she wanted the full works whereas all i wanted was just a good ol chinese foot massage not the seductive one's that thrown all around where sex and titties are used to lure in their customers. I wanted something painful so that when i pee later it will just flow out bad chi chi or toxins and kinda clean up my system....

So we get there....the hokkien dialect starts understanding very little i kinda took note that it would be a cupping followed by a massage and that we had to wait as the aunty fan (the lady of the place) was going out to buy dinner..
我们必须让我们可以做按摩现在。给我们两人。订立肯定他是地狱的痛苦.. the hokkien talk continues as i just walk up...他一直淘气确保他必须忍受的痛苦,我的身体疼痛....我已经老了... yeah they still talking alright...

So we get in she just leaves me there and goes into the room. I wanted to smoke but NO said the i wait for about another 5 mins and this guy who looks like the assistant for the doctor dude who created frankstein comes up to me...asked me to get in the next room where they were like 12 or more chinese people, all talking in a different dialect i could so tell...i get my shirt off, lie down and pop pap pofft tum tum
Acupuncture time!!!!!!!
more the 12 needles on me...and i cant move....shite i was starting to panic...all of a sudden i'm starting to get cold feet....i cant feel my ass...what if they get me all lumped up and start to remove my organs...the amount of what IF'S that ran through my mind was insane...then the other dude comes up and says you must sleep....enjoy relax.....
yeah we 12 needles in your body...much more worse than a junkie....with the speed in the veins though....

so 45mins or so...i kept myself alert to my surroundings...the feeling was like i was a piece of meat on the flesh trade just lying there waiting to be bought in pieces...unable to move.....felt just like a goat/cow/chicken/fish or pig lying there...

so after having needles in me we moved on to the leg/foot massage which was so painful in which i could take at all...and its two days now and i'm still in pain, but in a good way kinda pain as i'm yeah one hour plus with a foot massage....too much cold water/bathing cold water/not enough of sleep/not eating on time/too much ice which i have to stop and get in control of my sleeping time in order to cure for an hour i was in labour pain....then it was the cupping a good 15 mins but it felt hell of a pain for the 1st being i had so much wind to be taken out......end result....i look spotted like a leopard tortoise....
so after the 2 hour pain i went through....i have to say its a first for everything especially the cupping and acupuncture which was really good.....dont see the effect of the acupuncture yet....
I’m still running on tompok mode due to the cupping....
Thank you so much for a day at the spa Chinese style dear mdm penguin enjoyed it alot....

I reckon head that way for a good body over haul instead of all this massage parlours popping up here and there with girls to lure you in....its just a pleasure massage not something that would benefit you after a massage....

I made my way away from the butcher’s table alive and kicking and two days later I’m writing this here....

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