Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Heart beat is pumping fast

I'm still sick down with the combo of fever, cold and cough.
What makes it worse is the body aches and the stuffed nose and the phlegm (not flam)
which is thick as peanut butter or kaya.....

Thought to share as I was growing up doing interior architecture in college, MTV cribs was my main source of inspiration, yeah tons of other designers and architects and all but cribs gave you insight to what a musician or a artist would do to their house/crib/pad.....

While I'm sick now and feeling really crappy, youtube's uploads on MTV cribs is there for me......

There's no more oreo's at home and oh I wish for ice tea super the moment....

A penguin with fever is not a healthy penguin.

1 comment:

Iangraphy said...

i long for teh ais manis.......

i very long...............