Thursday, April 3, 2008

It's moving!!!

Well guess after my shave yesterday...i never did get back to writing...
Instead i had sneak peeks of what lil white squid was watching on the computer some funny kick ass movie about 3 pigs & a baby.....while playing my game on the playstation...

Anyways had some sleep..wish i could sleep more...I'm now at work....Just met the ex deputy prime minister of malaysia and ohh boy he looked like a normal dude from the kampung scene...

Well guess with all the hype they all are still lil kampung Lat's kampung Boy...hey that was a good comic...It brought many memories for me and i bet for all of y'all also...playing all those kampung games.....growing up staying with your grandparents having those afternoon naps and getting up all full of energy to play more...even taking some old newspaper and making it into a ball back then was like the bomb...I have to say that i did do all that but at the same time i kinda had diffrent view of life growing as i wanted to things way out of my league at that age. But afterall it was good times....its times like that,that makes you look back and have that lil hidden smile in your heart....

Oh yeah in regards to my title it's those of you who are wondering....the meaning of it's moving is due to the fact that my blog is actually being used...

I'm having weird trips of my past....just looking back and spacing out...It seems pretty grey and gold but at the same i know it's worth sharing....It will be such a waste to keep it all to myself i guess....

Just a short ad time here, i had this really nice eggs...they were cooked like curry puff but all made out of egg,with the egg being yellow in colour and not to mention the middle part which i call it the tummy area had yellow egg in it which was still uncooked...yes it was yummy....not to mention the hash brown had a very bacon feeling....which made me wonder...The theory to egg could only be explained by Miss Power Chef herself....hence I should leave it to her....(y'all will know more about in the near future)

well this i guess would be for the moment as i have work to do....Ain't yet a pro blogger where i get paid for just writing...but then again who would not want that ya a million people would kill for it...Just think would you do it???

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