Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My Super Hero Name...

If i was a super hero i would like to be called and known as DIGITAL AVENGER....

well basically i would be fighting the new skool wave of digital music and how its evolving into...i would try to save old records shops from the every new down load a song...
these shops have so much history in them....Do you remember the joy of walking into a record shop and looking for that cd that you cant get or the dumb ass government has banned due to the lyrics or some weird ass reason and finding and listening to it to make sure its not censored and buying it....well i do... It's an awesome feeling...

I still remember saving up cash when i was in my younger teens just so i could get a new cd...and listen and learn..I'll try to bring that roots of buying a cd and getting all so happy about instead of the 3-9mins down load...Till the next adventures of the DIGITAL AVENGER......

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