Thursday, February 4, 2010

Quotes from yesterday,last week & the week before

Ok here's a super random one its just quotes from the past weeks and yesterday....
its all in mixed order and which ever comes in my mind first, i'll be typing it out....

Keith Hay: I'm a changed man & i'm not a bad temper person anymore....(confessions on facebook shout out) so it seems...we shall wait

Vishal:If you want to bang her,bang her not bang her car...(said while i was driving and got a bit close to the front car. The way he said it was real bitchy)

Vishal:You can have ten minutes if you want also just give her the damn lighter ( said when julia asked me for a lighter and i was playing a game and he got angry, pmsing singh)

Chef Darren teoh:I'm smiling yes i'am but from the inside...(when i asked him why is he face so like that :(

Julia Ung :die mother fucker die mother fucker die mother fucker die mother fucker (on her angry yet getting her spirits high for cooking)

Ian Dias:Help me,help you ( my quote for my hmmm hmm)

Vishal:Anything smaller then 17inch i call them roller skates (a real bitch in heat he is)

Julia Ung: Smells like (rubs her finger on my nose) then says flaming lambo.......!!!!

keith Hay:work hard to have a better living style (on face book again,not sure if he's high or a real changed man...lets follow his work of art...

Julia Ung:................................................................................................................................................... (just silence when i ask her a question which she cant or wont asnwer)

Vishal: bang bang skid skid bang ma nigga (if i'm not mistaken)

Keith hay:time is de best medicine (this one was super awesome of him,i reckon he is in love...)

Keith Hay:out of difficulties makes miracle,everything got its own solution,think positively to face every problem in our life. there are perfect in our life...cheers ( he comes up with weird stuff but so true....)

Julia Ung: want a harry houdini...(i wish i could be one or give you one)

Vishal:i'm like a babysitter in your own house cos i have to take care of you. (his face was classic, i reckon pissed at me but with love)

Ian Dias:strudels woudles foodles noodles footles poonies looseees lose.....fudles mudles poodles my loudes ( i was just mumbling as usual on my facebook)

There's many more which i cant remember at this particular moment.....due to no sleep at all since yesterday....

well have great friday....cos it's "friday I'm in love"....(may i qoute: Robert Smith-The cure)

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